Sunday, March 11, 2012

Craig and Andrea Pregnant, Snohomish WA Photographer

Iv'e been holding off on blogging so that I could do this post right after Andrea and Craigs Couples Session! I had two sessions the day that I did their Couples Session and when Andrea saw that Sara from other session was expecting she sent me a text saying " So I have to tell you something really funny! But... It's a secret!!! That morning when we took our pictures with you we had just found out that we were pregnant!". I was stoked and seriously what were the odds that both my couples were pregnant?! Andrea announced her pregnancy yesterday using these photos! I also have the amazing opportunity to be shooting pictures at their Gender Reveal Party and a Maternity Session and a Newborn Session! I'm so excited to be watching their journey unfold! 

If you are reading this, expecting soon and want a fun way to announce your upcoming miracle then please fill out the contact form and we can set up a fun session for you!

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